Ahad, 10 Disember 2023

Tembusu (Ironwood)

Fragrea fragrans

Family: Gentianaceae

Also known as Ironwood is a slow-growing, medium-sized or occasionally large, evergreen tree with a conical crown; usually growing 8 - 25 metres tall but with some specimens attaining a height of 55 metres and the plant sometimes being no more than a shrub. The straight, cylindrical bole can be up to 150cm in diameter and is occasionally fluted or with buttresses up to 2.5 metres high.

The tree yields high-quality timber and an excellent fuel and charcoal. It is planted for reforestation purposes, at least partly due to its ability to suppress the dense cover of weeds, including Imperata cylindrica (lalang) and Gleichenia linearis (paku resam) and soil stabilization programmes. 

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